Saturday, October 20, 2012

Lillian is 3 Months Old

Three things that have changed in a month..

1: You are getting so much bigger 10lbs at the last doctor's visit!
2: You smile and laugh at us and we just melt.
3: You roll over like crazy!

 I guess I could probably go on forever considering you are so perfect ! At this time you are wearing 0-3 months clothes and still in size 1 diapers.Your eyes are bluish green. I think you are going to have your daddies green eyes but hard to say just yet. You are sleeping 3-4.5 hours at a time if we are lucky. Some nights less but we enjoy the longer ones for sure. You are becoming so social. I love it. I think that Harper is having more trouble with jealousy lately because we love making you smile and she is use to all the attention. You still love bath time and coo the whole time. I give you and big sister a bath together right now and look forward to the time you guys can start playing together. Sad to say you had your first ear infection this month.I hate when my babies are sick. Weirdly enough you had your first ear infection at the exact same time as your sister. As soon as I started giving you bottles at the exact age. Crazy. The only way I knew you were sick was you refused to breastfeed and man that stressed mommy out. Took us 3 days of antibiotics to get you to nurse again. You are so beautiful and have the most adorable personality. The reflux is still bothering you pretty bad. You are so hoarse, I hate it. It makes me so sad to hear your little hoarse voice. I wish there was more I could do. So here are a few pictures of my sweet little girl at 3 months old. Right now I still think you look just like Harper did at this age.

Love this face!

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