Monday, June 6, 2011

12 Months

Now that your party is done and the presents are put together. We are having so much fun with you. This month you have officially turned into a toddler. Even though you have been walking for a while now, I feel like you are now a toddler since you have turned ONE. We got up this morning and took you to your one year checkup with Dr. B and here are your 12 month stats.

Weight 18 lbs ( 8 Th %)
Height 28 in (20 Th %)

You are such a tiny girl but are growing good on your growth curve so Dr. B had no concerns. You eat good but are just on the move so much. I guess you burn alot of calories. You are so independent these days. We chase you around all day! It seems like you explore everything. I am constantly watching your every move because you love to get into things.You are so quick on your feet. When you look up and see me coming you speed up. You are still so funny. Tonight at the dinner table you were having a whole conversation with your self and mimi and I were cracking up.
Your vocabulary is great. You are so smart and pick up on words quick. Your updated list of words:
Bye bye
Fish- ISH
Uh oh

Favorite foods
mac n cheese
garlic bread- just like her mimi
animal crackers
and I could go on for a while...

You are sleeping so good. Usually down around 8-8:30 and up at 7 every morning. Your new thing is that you have become a climber. It scares me so much. We have caught you going up stairs at Cici's house and climbing on your play stroller multiple times. I hope you do not start this in your bed. I will freak out. I want you to be safe in your crib. But I'm sure it's only a matter of time before you figure out how to climb out.We started swimming with you and you are such a Diva. You hate cold water , so we have to heat up the hot tub just a little at Cici and Papa's house for you to get in and then you love it. You love other children. You are in such awe of them. I am going to put you into a Mother's Day Out program but not until you are 18 months old. You now dance when we ask you to and it is so cute. You are doing so much these days it is so hard to keep up. I'm finding new ways each day to entertain you and keep you busy. After your party we have been playing with so many new toys. Right now I would say your favorite toy is the Cozy Coupe. We got you a little trailer and you fill it up and climb in and out our your car. Well, I cannot wait to see what the next few months bring. We love you so much and look forward to doing some fun things this summer. Happy 12 Months baby girl. This month no crazy dress up pictures but just some of my favorites of us just having some fun.

First Splash Park visit with Landon!

Cozy coupe fun!

One year doctor's appointment!

Post birthday party nap with mom!

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