Tuesday, May 3, 2011

11 Months Old

Eleven Months ago today you came into our lives ! Never did we expect how much you would change in eleven Months. We cannot believe that in one month you will be One year old. There is no way to explain how fast this 11 months has gone by. This last month you have learned so much. Everyday you do something new! You are becoming this little person who loves to learn and explore. You are now officially INTO EVERYTHING. Daddy is working on putting latches on every cabinet in the house. You are so fast on your little feet. Crazy how much better you have become at walking in the last few months. You walk now instead of crawling almost 95% of the time. Sleeping is so much better. We actually have a routine. You now know exactly when it's time for bed. We lay you in your crib and pat your back for about 5 minutes and off to sleep you go. Occasionally you are a little harder to put to bed but most nights you do great. You continue to be an early bird. I'm not sure if Mommy will ever adjust to that. Most mornings we are up at 6:30 before the sun. Eating is much better as well. You will almost try anything I put in front of your mouth. We are having a little trouble getting you to take enough because feeding it to the dogs is always more fun.

Favorite foods:

Macaroni and Cheese
sweet potatoes
grilled cheese
tater tots

No more baby food for Harper.

Words List:

Bye Bye
Ba aka Ball
sheez aka cheese

You also know where your and our nose is! And you love the Wheels on the Bus song. You are quite the Dancer and you love to give all your stuffed animals hugs.You just started giving us hugs as well! You are such a joy and make me smile everyday. You wave and tell everyone bye bye and it melts my heart. I hope you are always this sweet!! Last week we had the chance to watch the royal wedding. It is really crazy that Princess Diana and Charles were married the year I was born and their son was married in your first year of life. It really is fun that we were able to watch the wedding together as three generations. I look forward to the fun things we can do together as girls !Well let the count down to your first birthday begin. We love you baby girl and can not wait to see what this next month brings. So this month for pictures I decided to go with the theme of the recent royal wedding. Here is our girl all dressed up as a princess.

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