Friday, February 24, 2012

Harper is 21 months!!

21 months

You amaze me at 21 months. Harper you are growing like a weed daily. Of coarse you only grow up not out. Haha , you are so tiny . I am constantly trying to feed you and yet you never slow down enough to gain any weight. Last time I took you to the pedi, which was recently , you weighed in at 20.4 lbs. Off the charts girlie.. Oh well, we love your little petite self. You are so smart. Amazingly smart to your parents :). Your vocabulary is far beyond what I could sit here and tell. You pretty much repeat anything we say.

Our favorite things you say right now:
Cookie monster
Thank you
Big sister

You sound so adorable when you say these things. Probably my number one is cookie monster. I secretly giggle every time you say it. We are about to surprise you with Elmo Live next Sunday. You love sesame street and know every character by name. I hope it doesn't scare you to see them huge. This will be your first big show.

Favorite shows right now:
Team Umi Zoomi
Sesame street
Blues Clues
and Olivia

We are also watching Lady in the Tramp alot which was my favorite growing up so I love that you love it.

Favorite things to do :
Play outside
Anything with animals( zoo visits often which always involve pony ride and goat petting)
Bath time painting
Hopping- she is so proud that she can actually get off the ground
Playing in her tent and reading
Climbing anything..... scares me daily....

Favorite foods:
French Fry's
Ketchup- Haha seriously it goes with everything..
Chicken nuggets
Cheese and yogurt
guacamole ** I think this is your favorite!!
mac n cheese

You are currently cutting your incisors now which will be happening any day. Your hair is getting longer but still not enough for a pony tail. Size 3-4 shoe. And you are still wearing 12/ 12-18 month clothes. Bedtime is good , except you have now discovered how to postpone it. Cracks me up every night because you keep asking us for things like one more hug or you ask for new milk. And recently you started asking me to lay with you. I love it. I am always looking for any reason to snuggle with you!! Your new obsession is BUGS. Every kind of bug! All day long you find small bugs , big bugs, colored bugs, ants or worms. You haven't really touched them , you are only a little bug detective. I bet you say the word BUG 100 x a day. Also you are starting to understand there is a baby in mommies tummy. You now give my belly hugs and kisses and if we ask you where the baby is you point to my tummy. I still cannot get you to say Lillian but you will say Lily. I look forward to the day you meet her. You are such a blessing Harper and I think you make us laugh a million times a day. You are using the word NO all the time but you are really such a good girl. I cannot imagine life without you and I feel so blessed every night, I just thank god that we get to be your parents. I love watching you grow and cannot wait to see who you become. WE LOVE YOU HARPER LYNNE!!

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