Sunday, April 3, 2011

10 Months Old

How can you be 10 months already?

It's amazing how fast time flies by when you are having so much fun. When I look back over the last 10 months things have changed so much. You were so little and now you look so big to me. Although people tell me you are tiny still.. So where to start is the question? You are doing so much these days I struggle to keep up . Everyday is something new , and Brad and I laugh everyday over something you did. Just today I went to the grocery store and came home and put you in your walker.You were zooming all over the kitchen and every time I looked up you were trying to feed your banana cookie I gave you to Emma.Or lets just say you were sharing which is "OH SO GROSS". But you were giggling every time you gave some to Emma and it cracked me up. So to start you are sleeping really good. Most nights you are in bed somewhere between 7:30 and 8:30 and are up at 6:45 am. And you are always up at 6:45 on the dot. You are like a little alarm clock. So no late sleepers around this house anymore. I think you are playing so hard during the day , you are exhausted at night. Usually we still hear you whine alittle in your bed in the middle of the night , but you put yourself right back to sleep. Eating has changed so much. We now know you just hated baby food. Which we don't really blame you honestly. It is kinda gross. We started feeding you table food in mini form and you love it. I'm amazed everyday how good you eat. Funny how I was so stressed about food a few months ago. Almost anything we put in front of you, you will eat. But we cannot feed you !!! You are MISS INDEPENDENT! I think its a stage and im glad to watch your tiny little fingers feed yourself , although it's always a mess. Your favorites right now are waffles, pancakes, banana cookies, ravioli, and mac n cheese. But you love anything for the most part. Usually what ever we cooked you eat for the day. You are now a pro at walking. You now prefer to walk over crawling and it's so funny to watch you do it. Your just so tiny and wobbly. You are jabbering up a storm. Favorite things to say are Mama and Dada and Dog. You are still singing on your microphone like a rock star. I'm sure before long we will be getting daily concerts. You are still wearing 6-9 months clothes. And you feet are 2 or 3, but always come off right away anyways. You still only have two little teeth. You act like your teething but I can't see anything coming in. Your hair is getting long. It is thin but so soft, and really looks like a mullet. Short in the front and long in the back. Always a party with Harper:) I'm sure soon we will be able to put you in some pig tails . I can't wait! Bath time is still a battle . You hate to sit down and now you try to turn the water on all the time which is so stressful. I am hoping this phase ends soon and soon you will understand the dangers instead of smile at me when I say NO Harper don't turn on that HOT water!! We continue to get your birthday party ready and it will be here before we know it. Next month will be so busy for us , I hope you do well with all the travel. Michael and Kristi's wedding is approaching quickly and we are getting excited. Well Harper we love you so much and can not wait to see what you do this next month. You sure are a happy , sweet girl. We thank God everyday for you. Here are some updated 10 month pictures. I will say it is getting harder each month to slow you down long enough to snap a picture. Im going to have to be creative next month for sure.

This is how most pictures start!! :)

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