This week has been pretty uneventful ! Which is actually nice. Sometimes it seems like we are always so busy that it is nice to have a week of just spending time together. Plus Harper is teething SO BAD this week, I feel really bad for her. She chews hard on toys and then crys and I feel helpless. Im alternating Tylenol and Ibprofen but it never feels like it works that great. Anyways, I hope soon those little teeth pop through and Harper has some relief. We did have a playdate at our house on Tuesday and that was fun. We all met at Lenny's Sub shop in Rockwall and then came to our house to decorate Easter cookies and play. It was a pretty big group for us and all the kids played so good. It was cute to watch. And when it was all over Im pretty sure they all CRASHED for a really good nap. It was so funny because I kept getting text pictures of kids passed out in the car. And the playroom floor was covered with toys. So I am guessing they had fun. So I thought today I would post some fun pictures I have taken over the last two weeks. My phone has about 2,000 pictures, everyone who knows me knows that I always have a camera of some sort. So here are a few of my favorite recent ones.
Brad and Harper swinging at the park!

Just thought she looked so cute in her little flower outfit.

Shopping with TWO purses..

Trying out her new carseat!

Having breakfast at CFA ( this girl loves breakfast food)

Future KISS member!

Sweetest baby girl, snuggling with her new pillow friend..

Hope everyone is having a great week!