Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Week 19

Just thought I would drop a few lines to update everyone on whats going on in the Warren Household. Brad has been home since the holidays and he has started back working away this week . It was hard for me as I have been enjoying having him around so much. We have done quite abit around the house the last few days. We finally decided on which room in the house we would use as a nursery. And we are going to do a little construction in the room before getting it ready for our little guy or girl. So we moved most of the stuff out and rearranged most of it in the house. Also I have been on some kind of cleaning stretch because over the weekend almost every pantry, closet or cabinet was cleaned and organized. So with work being slow and getting cancelled tonight , I plan on finishing up with our bedroom closet.. What a task that will be. On a pregnacy note, as of last week the morning sickness seems to have packed its bags and moved on. WHAT A RELIEF... Food actually looks good and I can tell that I am actually hungry more now. I have been asked quite a few times for some tummy pictures, so I have a 14 week picture that I will post and I promise that next week I will post a 2o week belly picture and sono picture as well. We are finally going Monday the 18th for the big Sono that will hopefully tell us the gender. I am so anxious, and looking forward to being able to put a name and a gender to the little person that I now feel moving around at times when I am still at night. Plus there is a room full of stuff already that everyone has givin us that will need to be exchanged one way or the other. So I hope that 2010 brings lots of Blessings for everyone as it has for us so far this year. And we promise to keep everyone posted on the BIG NEWS.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for a belly pic and yeah for the big 20 week sono on Monday...can't wait to hear the fun news! We are so happy for you, Bradley and baby Warren :)
