Saturday, September 15, 2012

Ponytails, Cooking and Fun

We headed back down to the coast after meet the teacher and a few doctors appointments. Brad had gone down to POC the day before so Mimi and I did the trip alone with the girls for the first time. We drove down to Houston first and stayed the night with Uncle Mike and KK. Harper and Lillian had a really rough night. They both had a cold ,which we went to the pediatrician for before we left, and they just had trouble breathing through there stuffy noses. So after being up most of the night we just decided to drive on to the coast at 6 am. OMG this mommy was exhausted but I knew the girls would at least sleep in the car if we went on.  We are still trying to figure out the best time and way to travel down to the coast with the kids. We got here and Uncle Mike and KK ended up coming down for the weekend to hang out.

Love these precious girls.

It was fun and we did some shopping , cooking , swimming and we flew a whale kite with Harper down at the beach .

We also have had lots of nature the last week. We have always had scorpions down here but I have never found a live one. OMG it was right in the kitchen. I freaked out and the bug guy made a visit. Then we found a hummingbird in the garage trapped in a web and Mike and I saved him and set him free. He was adorable.

 Then the next morning we found  a snake on the back porch and Mimi killed it. Geez thats alot of nature for one weekend. This past week we did some fun things around the house. It rained bad for two days so I did some cooking with my girl and she loved it. I waited for Lillian to take a nap and then Harper and I cooked some Chocolate Chip and Walnut cookies from scratch .

They were so yummy. We also went into town and bought Harper some new toys to play with down at the coast and she has had fun playing with those.

We also made Harper a fort in the bedroom while it rained and I have to say this was my first fort. I have some practicing to do .

 Then the other day I decided it was time to try the Pony tail again. I was such a proud mommy when I actually was able to pull most of her hair back.

I swear there are 10 strands in it but I was so thrilled. She looks so grown up! But it doesn't stay long so we need a few more months to grow. Also in the last week down at the coast Lillian is smiling and cooing.
Isn't that silly face adorable...

 Oh it is so fun. I love this sweet little girl. After being up all night and being so tired seeing her face light up with excitement makes it all worth it.  And we have enjoyed a little sister love as well.

We have been having a good time down at the coast! I love all this family time...

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