Sunday, September 16, 2012

Lillian is 2 Months Old

I have no idea how time can go by so quick. It has been an amazing two months getting to know you sweet girl. It feels crazy to say this but I feel like you have been a part of our lives forever. I still think you look just like your sister did at this age. Both so beautiful ! You still have dark blue eyes and dark brown hair. And last time we weighed you , you weighed 8 lbs 9 oz so I am sure you are somewhere around 9 lbs now. You are becoming more spoiled and love to be held which is okay with me. You are still having trouble with reflux but we are managing. We have you on Prevacid still and it seems to help. You love bath time and every night seem so happy to be swaddled in that warm water. Sometimes we all three girls take a bath together and I love to see how happy both of you are to have mommy in the bath . I look forward to the days I can put you both in the tub together and watch you both play. Nights are about the same. I actually think you may be going through a growth spurt because you have been up the last two nights between 2-2.5 hours all night. You are still wearing NB or 0-3 month clothes and wearing NB or size 1 diapers. One thing that cracks me up is that you hate the hiccups. Anytime you get the hiccups you get so mad. You are such a calm baby unless your tummy hurts or you have the hiccups. Your smiling so much and cooing back at us when we talk to you which is so fun. Harper tries so hard to make you laugh and it is so cute. You love to watch your sister. We love you baby girl and your two month appointment is not for almost two weeks because we have been at the coast so I promise to post your two month stats when we have them. So here are Lillian's TWO MONTH pictures. And also a few pictures of you in  the bloomers your MIMI made for you.

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