Thursday, July 19, 2012

Bedrest Update

Well things are about the same . I have been continuing to have Blood pressure issues and basically have to lay in bed to keep it down. We did have my 37 week appointment on Tuesday and Dr. N sent us down to Baylor Hospital to go to Observation. There they monitored Lillian who looked great and drew some labs to make sure I was not in Pre-eclampsia and monitor my BP's. The lab work came back good which was a huge relief but the blood pressure is high. So I have another appointment tomorrow at 8:50 and if it continues to be bad we will probably see about delivering early. I am 38 weeks tomorrow so here I am praying that if we do deliver that she does great. The Nicu nurse inside of me will worry until she is happy and healthy in my arms. Brad and Mimi are running around like crazy to get things prepared in case and my family is on standby. I have a feeling it will probably happen at my next appointment as my blood pressures are not any better, but we shall see. As for Harper she is doing great. I have been overwhelmingly emotional today just thinking this could be our last day as a family of 3. I hope she knows how much we love her and how hard it will be to be in the hospital away from her. I think she is super excited about seeing the family and probably wont miss me at all. I am half excited to see what she thinks about having a sister and half scared she will not handle it well. Either way I know she will grow to love her and I just hope and pray they grow to be the best of friends over time. 37 week stats: Weight : 13 lbs ( no change) HR: 148 Cravings: Honestly now not craving much. Bad reflux and a little nauseated at times. I did crave a chocolate yougart ice cream with almonds the other day.. It was yummy too.. Everything is packed. Lists for Harper are written, with clothes laid out. Cord blood box is in and everyone is on standby. What else could we do ... Probably nothing!!! Says this OCD mother from bed... I will say that yesterday I told Brad we should probably try to do a belly cast like we did with Harper because who knows when how much longer I will be preggo. So we did it . I think tonight we may let Harper paint it for fun. And I thought I would post a few pics . The Belly Cast
Soon to be BIG SISTER!
My favorite nap buddy!!
We will keep everyone posted on the arrival of Lillian. Please pray for a safe delivery and healthy baby.

1 comment:

  1. praying! I will be working tomorrow. maybe I could meet her!!!
