Monday, October 4, 2010

4 Months Old...

Wow ,you are getting so big sweetheart. I can't believe it's already been 4 months. I hate that you are getting so old so fast but at the same time we are having so much fun watching you grow. You change everyday and do something new all the time. So what are you doing these days? Well you love to smile and giggle. Your laugh is so funny, your dad and I laugh with you. Your smile is so big now it makes me smile.. You are sitting in your bumbo and playing with all your toys. Its fun to watch you study your surroundings. I almost can't get your attention sometimes because you are to busy learning. You are discovering Riley and Emma and think they are so funny. You are still a horrible napper. Oh how I wish you would rest easily. Some days I work so hard to put you down and then I hear you giggling in you bed 5 minutes later kinda like you are doing right at this moment. You had your 4 month shots and you cried and made me so sad. I wish there was a better way of doing that. Your new stats:

4 months:
12 lbs 12 oz- 30th percentile
Head: 25th percentile
length : 24inches - 50th percentile

You still have blue eyes but I think they are going to be hazel , but we will see. We started Rice cereal and right now you still think its really weird. You spit it out at us but we will keep trying every day.. You are sleeping good, some nights all night and others up one time but your new habit is that daddy has to put you back down because you want mommy to hold you..:) This week at Target you had a major poop incident . I was waiting in line and you started crying. I went to lift you up and poop was all over you and in the car seat. Oh man it was gross, and I'm sure everyone around me was wondering what the smell was ! It was really funny, I wish you would do that for daddy... Cutest moment of this week is that you love when I sing to you, and now you try to sing with me. When I start singing you start cooing with me and when I quit you do. It's adorable.. So above are your 4 month pics on your rug and a few extra special ones below. We love you so much and cant wait for month 5!!

Daddy and Harper on our way to dinner.

First taste of Rice cereal..

My two favorite pictures taken with Erica!

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