Yep your not seeing things, that's a bird on my mantle top!!

What a week! We have had such a busy week and Monday we had the most random thing happen to us. I got up early Monday morning and did all the last minute grocery shopping and started cooking for the holidays. We had Thanksgiving Feast #1 planned for Henderson the next day so I was cooking up a storm. A little before lunch I let the dogs out like I always do but turned around to grab something and left the door open while they did their business and when I turned back around SURPRISE.... In to the living room flew in TWO sparrows. OH MY, I freaked out... Seriously.... Our ceilings are really tall and we have windows across the back of the living room so the birds kept flying in to the windows .. I was so worried they were going to hurt themselves. I locked up the dogs and opened every window and door thinking they would fly out but NOPE.. Not the smartest bird out there. So after finally getting Brad on the phone and he had come home to help we tried to do everything we could think to get them out. I had Christmas decorations every where and birds pooping in the living room floor. Finally after trying for over and hour I broke down and called Animal Control. They were so nice and showed up quickly to help. They used a huge net and in about 5 minutes the birds were free. I asked the guy if this happens much and he said NO, that usually they get in the chimney but usually not through the back door :)...I LOVE BEING UNUSUAL.. It was really funny and I now know how it all happened. They are perching in our grill in the cold weather and the dogs charge them when I let them out so they go nuts and flew right in the house. So now I'm really careful letting the dogs out.. Hopefully we won't have wildlife in the house again.. So here are a few pictures of our little birds. They really were so cute. I asked Brad if we could keep one.. YEAH RIGHT , he said...
One loved the fan...
Love this one, Brad trying to poke at them with a curtain rod...