Saturday, June 19, 2010

Week Two

What a busy week we have had, we have accomplished so much this week.

1. Harper's second Pediatrician appointment.
2. Mom's wound check at the OB office.
3. Harper's cord falling off.
4. First outing into public.
5. First tub bath at home.

We had our second appointment with Dr. B and wow Harper gained plenty of weight again. I was shocked at how much she has put on in one week. She weighed 6 lbs 9.5 oz . She is so my little piglet. We were having a little bit of trouble this week with reflux so at the appointment we got a prescription for zantac and hopefully that will make Harper more comfortable. Poor baby vomits and cries after her feedings. So in one week if it's not better he plans to start another medication as well. So we are praying for some relief.She is also sleeping on a wedge at night to let gravity help us to keep food down. She also had her second newborn screen done at the hospital and I think it was most traumatic for Daddy than baby. He was so nervous and upset his little girl had to be stuck with a tiny needle. What will we do when she starts dating.:) We also had my follow-up appointment this week so Dr. N could check my wound from the c/s. He said everything looked great and I would continue to be sore for 6-8 weeks. That was hard to hear because I'm ready to be back to normal. When I sneeze or try to laugh I usually end up in a CRY.. But all worth this little girl. So now I have to go back in 4 weeks and then I'm OB done for a while..YEAH..So back to my peanut.. We had a big event early in the week, MIMI was rocking Harper and said whats that on the floor and guess what it was ? It was her cord!! Kinda gross but exciting because we were able to give Harper her first tub bath. She loved it and we had so much fun giving it to her. We did it NICU style with a swaddle bath, of course. Now it's just a part of everyday schedule, sometime before bed. Lastly the biggest accomplish of all , I took Harper to target to get Fathers Day cards. I was so nervous to take her out by myself , but it went really well. Harper slept the whole time and I managed to spend double ! It will only get easier from here on out. I think it is more prep work than anything just to get out of the house with a baby.

Mommy and Me Rocking

Tub Time

Sleeping Beauty

Tummy Time

Me and My Daddy

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