Saturday, July 20, 2013

Lillian Turns One

Wow ,could this be even possible????

My beautiful baby girl is already ONE! Lillian you are growing up so fast and we are enjoying every minute watching you blossom into a little toddler. What are you doing at ONE? You are talking some but just a hand full of words.
and my personal favorite: NO! HaHa...
Your just so silly. You are such a funny girl. I know we have said this many times but you do things that make us laugh without even trying. Your personality reminds me of your daddy. Speaking of daddy ,you look just like your daddy. You love to play alone and are so laid back. Food, toys, nap and bath time and you are one happy kid. You are sleeping about the same . You get up twice a night and around 7 every morning. You are still taking two naps . Usually around 10 and then again around 2 and we try to have you in bed by 8 at night. Sometimes you cry and sometimes you go right to sleep but overall you do great in your bed. You love your sister. Harper sleeps in sometimes and the minute she gets up you clap your hands and smile so big when you see her the first time. It warms my heart. I do have to say when you are annoyed by your sister we all know. You cry and push her away..
Clothes: Size 9-12 months
Shoe : Size 3
Diapers : Size 3
Your are small just like your sister is. Here are your 12 month stats.
Weight: 18 lbs 7 oz ( 28th %)
Height: 28.3 in  (20th %)
Head: 44.5 cm ( 38th %)
You have four teeth and four teeth only. You eat amazing and all day! You love music and dancing.

Here is a picture from your 12 month appointment. Beautiful in only a bow and a diaper!

We love you peanut and cannot wait to continue to watch you grow.

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