Saturday, February 2, 2013

6 months BIG

Sweet Lillian 6 months BIG...
Here are your 6 month stats:

Height: 26.3 in  60%

Weight: 14 lbs 3 oz 14%

Head: 41.5 cm  26%

I was amazed to look back at your weights . You gained almost a pound as soon as we had your tubes put in. AMEN.... You feel so much better. It was a hard few months but you are feeling so much better and on the road to recovery. It is amazing how much happier you are. You are such a sweet baby I hated to see you so miserable. Anyways, we just wanted to say that we love you so much Lillian and are so happy that you feel better.

As for whats going on in your little life you are one busy baby. You were talking so much and then when they put the tubes in you were silent for 2 weeks. I was just starting to worry when you starting talking again. I guess you were just taking in the new sounds. You said the most beautiful thing the other day...MAMA!! You said DADA first but I had been patiently waiting and it melted my heart. It was kinda funny actually because I was bathing you guys and you said mama and Harper freaked out with excitement before I realized what you were saying. I think she knew how excited I would be. You are wearing size 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers. No teeth yet and I love your gummy smile. Harper's first tooth popped in around 7.5 months and I have a hunch that you will be about the same. We shall see. You are sleeping so much better. We recently had to do some sleep training which was the hardest mommy moment with you to date but it has really paid off for both of us. You sleep so much better and I can tell you feel better. Right now you go to bed between 7-8:30 and usually get up 2-3 am to eat. Then we put you right back and you are up between 5-8 am. It is still really new so not every night is the same but I am so proud of you and how well you are doing sleeping in your big girl bed. We started solids and you are not a huge fan but so far you seem to love avocado the best. We have done Avocado, Sweet Potatoes, Potatoes, and  Bananas . I started Green Beans tonight and you seemed to like them better than most. Harper never liked baby food so I am hoping you come to like it better. I think your personality right now is silly. You are such  a mommies girl now. If I walk in a room and you see me from across a room you suddenly start crying for me. It cracks me up. If I had a pouch you would live in it. You continue to love bath time and love sitting up on your own playing with all of your toys. Favorite toys right now are your washing machine and your doggy guitar. We are getting closer to crawling. Thinking it won't be long before you are off and I am chasing you everywhere! Well we continue to be crazy about you and your sister loves you like crazy. She loves making you smile! Here are a few pictures of our beautiful 6 month old daughter.

We love you baby girl.......

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