Thursday, June 7, 2012

Two Years Old

June 3, 2010,  My life changed forever ! I became a mother and I will never forget that day. It completely amazes me daily how fast Harper is growing. She is already 2! How did this happen so fast? This week we had her 2 year checkup and her first dental appointment. She did so great at both appointments. So here are her two year stats:

HT: 33 1/2 - 40%
WT: 22 lbs- OTC (again)
HC: 18 1/2- 35%

Harper is still tiny :) but Dr. B is not concerned at all . She continues to grow and gain weight .She has just always been small so I am trying not to let it concern me as much anymore. She still walks on her tippy toes and we had a long conversation about that. You would not believe the comments we get in public. It is either " OH HOW CUTE" or " DO YOU KNOW HOW BAD THAT IS FOR HER". But Dr. B says not to worry at all , because she goes back and forth to flat foot and tippy that it is not something to worry about. After all I still catch myself doing it and I am 30. She is wearing anything from 12 months to 12-18 in clothes and wears mainly 4 but some 5 size shoes. Still in size 3 diapers although I use size 4 at night just because you go so long in it. Harper your hair is so cute. You still do not have enough for a pony tail but I am trying to pull it back on the top to get it out of your face. It is so curly on the ends. I love it. So cute when it curls up especially if its humid.
Favorite Foods:
Avocado- I swear you would eat two a day if we fed it to you. Whether its plain or guacamole you love it every time.
Crackers and cheese
Mac n cheese
Hot dogs
Any bean we give you.

You love to watch movies at this point. We have  you a dvd player in the car and you watch different things when we travel. But at home you usually watch mainly a small amount of Nick Jr in the Am and PM. Favorite movie is Monsters Inc  right now.You love for Daddy to read to you . We have two pop out animal books you want him to read every night. You can count to 16 and have almost mastered the alphabet song. All of your colors have been mastered for a while and just recently you are asking to use the big girl potty. I haven't pressured you at all and we just put up an Elmo potty chart that you sticker when you go and we give you mini M&;M's if you go. Some days you go 4-5x and others 2-3 .

I just want you to do it on your own pace. I know you are smart and your face lights up every time you use the potty. Not bad for week one if you ask me. Cracks us up. We all have to know in the house and all do the potty dance . If one of us is gone from the house, you have to call us to tell us on the phone you used the potty. SO CUTE.. Your favorite stuffed animal is still Chester, but we also have to sleep with Hippo and Seahorse every night. Bedtime is great. You are now, with summer ,staying up until 9 or 9:15 but sleeping in until 7:30-8:30 in the mornings.

Favorite things you say:
Harper do it... You want to do everything now. I find myself picking my battles. You have been known to wear your shoes on the wrong feet because you refuse to change them. :)
Yeah!!!- cracks me up when you look up at me and say in the sweetest voice ever " YEAH" after I ask you a question. Sometimes I am pretty sure you have no idea what I am talking about.
Gatorade and Dinosaur: It sounds hysterical.
Love you ....  It melts my heart to hear you say this. As a parent its the best feeling ever.
Lillian: you try so hard to say Lillian but you do not quite have it figured out .
Harper you are a repeat! Now you say everything we say. We recently had our first bad incident with a word. I guess because Emma barks so much someone said " Shut Up" , now you say it and I have to get on to you. I hate that because it is our fault you say it but its a NO NO word. We are all working on doing better about watching what we say around you.
You love playing outside and continue to love animals. You are so funny . You are continuously making us laugh. You are obsessed with bugs and it cracks me up to sit and talk with you . We have full blow conversations and you tell me about your day.
We love you so much  and you are the greatest thing to happen to us. We cannot wait to see what you are doing in a year. We feel so honored to be your parents and I hope you know everyday how special you are to us. After her 2 yr appointment with Dr. B , we took you to your first dental appointment. You did amazing.

I could not believe how awesome you did. You opened and let her count your teeth and all. We got a good report. Dentist said your teeth were strong and healthy.  We go back in  6 months so I hope soon you will let them clean your teeth. Well angel you are our favorite 2 year old and we look forward to celebrating many more birthdays.

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