Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Emma and Weekend Update

It has been a week or so since I have blogged and mainly because we have just been busy with life. You know how it goes! I wanted to take the time to update everyone on Emma. We are amazingly blessed to say the least. Emma has done amazing . We had a follow up with our vet after one week and he said we could wean her from her steroids. She is getting around great. She almost looks completely normal. We are still limiting her activity and keeping her off the beds and couch. I have to say she is back to her normal self. Causing trouble as usual :) Harper I think is thrilled to be able to play with Emma again. It was such a good week. We have been doing a little shopping the past week. We will soon be going to Vail and I had to pick up some warmer clothes for Harper and I . Let me tell you how hard it is to shop for warm clothes in 107 degree weather. I found some cute stuff for Harper and now trying to find some things for me.

( Harper modeling her new coat!)

We also had some rain which was amazing. Not much but we will take it.I had an appointment at the allergist the morning it rained and as I backed out of my garage the most beautiful rainbow was across the street.

I am so looking forward to some rain and cooler weather. The allergist went well, I found out I am allergic to rye and barley which was weird but not much other than that. So I feel pretty blessed overall because it could have been way worse. Just a few minor food changes and I should feel better. Brad was pretty busy all week but I was off on Saturday and so we planned a family day. Saturday morning we got up early and went to breakfast. There is this little diner called Route 66 in Rockwall and I haven't been so Brad took us there.

( Daddy and Harper having breakfast)

It was so yummy. Harper loved the pancakes and sausage. Then after breakfast we headed over to farmers market in downtown Rockwall. We bought some fresh peas, squash, okra and the most amazing freshly baked sourdough bread. I wish I was off every Saturday to go buy local veggies for the week. Maybe one day..:) We then went home to drop all the food off and decided Harper needed a nap. So we all laid down and Harper slept for 1.5 hours while Brad and I watched a movie. It has been so long since we have been able to relax in bed and watch a movie. For the rest of the day we took Harper to swim at CiCi and PaPa's house. She loves the swimming pool. Sunday I worked and now this week I am busy getting stuff together for travel and cleaning house. Also we are playing outside when ever cool enough. Harper is loving her cozy coupe .

The weeks seem to fly by these days and Harper is growing up so fast. Here in just a few days she will be 15 months old. I promise to post a 15 month Harper blog so stay tuned. Hope everyone is doing great and have a good week.

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