So another few weeks have flown by crazy fast, and I have so much to tell everyone about. Harper is changing so much everyday, I love watching her meet her milestones. You never really understand how exciting the small stuff is until you have a child of your own. She now grabs at things and will hold them and smiles and coos like crazy. She is working on her scream and I promise to get it on video soon. It is so cute. She holds her head up pretty great now and we recently bought her the HBO series of Classical Baby and she loves to watch them . If anyone has the chance to order these , they are awesome for babies. We are still sleeping about the same. Some nights she will sleep 5 hours and others only 3 . She really doesn't like the pacifier but she is finding her thumb. I took the cutest picture the other night. I found her with her mittens on but she managed to get her tiny thumb out to suck on it.. She is still in 0-3 clothes but getting big. She now weighs 10 lbs 9 ounces. She still loves bath time. I actually started getting in the tub with her. Its so much fun and we play and giggle. As for this week, Brad had a surgery on Monday and so I have had two babies to take care of. He had a rough night Monday night getting sick from all the pain meds but is getting around better everyday. The worse part of this week was that we had our first scare with Harper. After Brad got home from surgery Harper started crying and would not stop for over 1.5 hours. Usually I can console her at some point and I had never seen her so upset. She had herself so worked up she kept gasping for air. So just to be on the safe side I took her up the street to the urgent care center to be checked over. They ended up doing an xray of her belly and said it had an abnormal gas pattern. The ER doctor was alittle concerned but said it could just be colic or something else dangerous so we ended up going to our pediatrician the next day. I had recently changed my diet to Soy , and apparently it didn't agree with Harper. We started a new medication and stopped the soy products and now HARPER is happy again. It scared me and I think I cried the whole time we were in the ER. Everything turned out to be fine but wow I now know how it feels to be a real concerned mother. The most embarrassing thing happened in the ER , the doctor was pressing on her tummy and she BLEW her diaper out . When I went to get a diaper , I found that there was none in the bag. SERIOUSLY... This type A mother didn't have a diaper ! So we had to wrap my precious baby in a chuck pad until my mother could go get me some diapers. OMG, I was so embarrassed . Oh well, probably wont be the last time i do something like that. So I now keep extra in my car.. Lesson learned...So we are all recovering from the week and are doing great. Also we would like to congratulate the Norton family on the birth of sweet little MISS NORTON. We cant wait to meet her and introduce the girls! Hope everyone is doing well and enjoy some of our new pictures..
Funny face!
Emma likes the floor gym too..
Thumb escape..
And lastly our embarrasing CHUCK DIAPER!!