Monday, September 5, 2011

My Harper is 15 months

My Harper is 15 months old ! I know I am a little late but we held off on going to the pediatrician until after our trip so we just went this morning. Harper's 15 month check up went great. She is growing big and doing everything she is suppose to be doing and more. Harper still remains tiny ! Most of my questions at the appointment were about food and milk. Harper still continue to have trouble drinking whole milk. I continue to have to breastfeed because I cannot get Harper to take whole milk. We now have many new suggestions to try so maybe soon we will be weaned off. Her growth curve is great , she has always been small and the doctor said that between 9-15 months they usually do not gain much weight because they are so active. Who can gain weight when they are vacumning all the time?

15 month stats:

HT: 20 th percentile
WT: 5 th percentile
HC: 10 th percentile
Teeth: 5 still but finally cutting one other tooth on bottom right and one molar.

Clothes: We are still wearing 6-12 months or 12 months, and size 3 shoes! She is so active I have trouble keeping up these days. I catch her climbing all the time. Just last night I looked over and she was climbing a baby gate and almost over the top. GEEZ, I freaked out. At this age Harper loves to be outside. It is so hard because the weather has been so hot but in the evenings we have been going out to play. She loves her sandbox, cozy coupe and trike. The most adorable thing I have noticed lately is that she LOVES other children. The girl's across the street are our favorite. If they come out of the house you cannot say Hi or wave enough.

Favorite foods:
Mac and Cheese
Grilled Cheese
Bread of any kind!( biscuits are the best)
Avocados- guacamole is a hit.
hot dogs
french Fry's
KETCHUP on everything.
plum baby squeeze packs
chicken nuggets

I wish this list was covered in veggies but this toddler is picky as most are. I am learning new ways to sneak them in everyday. Sleeping is going wonderful. We put you down and you go right to bed usually . Every once in a while you cry for a few minutes or play but we always have to put you to bed with Chester. Chester continues to be your favorite animal. It is now a challenge just to bath him. YUCK!!

What is Harper saying??

Dog, Cat, Turtle, Cow ,Fish, Moose, Emma , Riley, Chester, Harper, Mimi, Momma, Dada, Cici, Papa, Hayes, JJ, Juice, Cheese, Apple, Banana, Cookie,nite nite, Eat,Cup, Peepee, poopoo, Hi , Bye ,Book,Keys, Bubbles, Hop hop, Mermaid, Toes, Hair , Ear , Nose , Eye, Button( aka Belly Button)and teeth, moo, Monkey,
You try to repeat almost anything we say at this point. We are now watching what we say around you. This is our new parenting challenge.

And you use short sentences like:

Hi ___ ( anything you say) Hi mama, ect
I have even heard you say Hi Toes... HAHA
Where's _____ ( usually Chester, mimi, mama, or Dada)

You also say EWWWW to anything wet or if you toot. It cracks us up. And now you do the Baylor bear call , just in time for football season. We do not watch much TV but you seem to like bubble guppies. If you get upset in public we can usually sing that intro song and she start dancing. Anytime you hear any kind of music you dance and clap. Books are your favorite toy right now, aside from mommies cell phone or your kitchen. If only you didn't chew them up. All the books in the house look like a mouse has been after them. Many times a day you bring a book and sit in my lap.

Favorite Book:

Moo, Baa, La La La
In fact you will bring it to me and say MOO, LA LA LA
It is so cute and you nod your head when you say it.

Harper you are doing so much I could go on for hours. You are now hysterical and love attention from us. You do this funny face like you are shocked and make a sucking in noise and we cannot stop laughing. I plan to get this on video as soon as possible. And the other night you tooted in the tub , looked up and said EWWWW and laughed. I think I laughed so hard I was crying. Also you drop everything on purpose just to say UH OOOO. At this stage you make us mad one minute and laugh the next. Just in the last few weeks you have become a little defiant. There is alot more crying around the house these days when you do not get your way. But overall you are so sweet and your hugs melt us.

You are still a little fashionista. You now have your first pair of Joe's skinny jeans( thanks cici) and a new pair of pink winter Uggs. We love you so much it is unimaginable little angel. I cannot wait for the upcoming months. So much fun stuff to look forward to.

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