Friday, January 21, 2011

A Day in the Life!

So I thought I would take the time to write down a Day in the Life , just for us to remember really what a day was like when Harper was this little. And also at the same time to remember a few things I have learned in Parenthood I never expected.
So nights are inconsistant at this time as usual. Lets face it Harper isn't the best sleeper but we are constantly working on it and some weeks are great. So usually she is in bed somewhere around 7:30-9 and then on a good night up at around 6:30 am -7:30.Some nights she gets up at 12 we feed her and sleeps the rest of the night and others she is up at 4 am and then back to sleep. YOU NEVER KNOW..

This morning we were up about 7 and daddy goes in to get Harper. It's really cute to watch her on the monitor. She is so happy to see us in the morning. She really never cries, she just lays or sits there and plays until we go get her.(usually with her favorite toy GLOWY) This morning when she saw Brad she sat up and started clapping. SO CUTE!!! I secretly want to go get her but know Brad loves this moment every morning. He changes her diaper and I can hear them talking to each other on the monitor the whole time. Then she comes to see me with the biggest grin on her face and its time to eat.. Harper usually eats a great breakfast and then Brad sits with her in bed and plays with some toys until I finish pumping and cleaning it all up and putting some clothes on. Getting ready for me only happens when we have something to do during the day and usually I do this while Brad plays or during the first nap. Then usually I take Harper and we go make breakfast and then play for a few minutes while mommy eats and I get Harpers baby food ready. So then I put her in her bumbo and TRY to feed her. She still doesn't care for baby food so it's so intresting every day how I get any down her. But we try everyday and this morning we had about a third of a jar of Butternut Squash and Apples. Then I usually have to clean her up since I try to let her feed herself to get her to take more . SO IT IS EVERYWHERE... And off to get Harper dressed which is one of the most challenging moments of the day. Nobody tells you that every time you dress your child or change a diaper that they will try to take off on you. So it's like wrestling an alligator to get clean clothes on this girl. Dressing a moving object is alot harder than expected. Then usually after getting dress I go make our bed and clean up our room, and now that Harper is older usually I just put her down and she crawls and keeps herself busy for a few minutes while I make the bed and pick up. But what they don't tell you is it's an art to do this. You must do everything while not taking ONE eye off her because every object in the room now becomes a potential HAZARD. The one socket in the room that's not overed or the nasty dog toys or the coins that fell out of brads pocket .. ALL DANGEROUS... It's completely amazing how children go for the one thing you dont want them to touch. Then usually we go to the playroom and I turn on Regis and Kelly( yes I DO..) and Harper plays until she needs a nap which is usually about 9- 10:30. Naps are never the same , it may be 30 minutes or 2 hours so I take this time to BLOG, LAUNDRY, CLEAN, WATCH DVR or just be lazy some days. Usually then after her nap , I play fun baby music and we play together for a while, or I put on a little nick jr. on and she watches MISS SUNNY PATCH or Classical Baby.

Sometime around lunch I usually make me a sandwhich and Harper sometimes lets me do this while she plays but not always . Sometimes I have to make the sandwhich while holding her and keeping her from sticking her fingers in everything. Or I keep a pack n play in the kitchen with safe kitchen toys to play in while I cook. I use this alot in the evening while I cook dinner . Another thing you figure out is that kids love house hold items way better than the expensive toys you think you have to buy them. Her playroom is full but she would rather have some measuring cups and tupperware anyday. Then usually for the afternoon we play again ,try to eat again(today carrots and pears), read or take a walk in her wagon or run errands like the grocery store. Usually around 2-4 she takes another nap and I again do things I need to get done all not knowing how long until she wakes back up. So I am usually rushing around the house like a crazy person. Then I have to say while Harper plays I usually watch Ellen or Oprah depending on when I have a chance to watch. ( YOU must take a few minutes in a day to watch something you enjoy to be a good parent :)..) Then I usually start supper so it is ready about the time Brad gets home for work and we eat with Harper in her high chair ! I've been giving her some gerber graduates snack puffs and her sippy cup . She eats and gags on them and plays with them while we eat..:)

(Doesn't she look big with her sippy cup)

She is getting better with them every day now. After dinner Brad cleans up and I start bath time. Harper still LOVES her bath and it's so fun to watch her splash around. We then get her ready for bed and now brush her little tooth. And then my favorite time of the day I feed Harper and when she falls asleep I rock her for a few more minutes and just Thank God for her . It's our quiet time and I tell Brad everyday she is growing up to fast and that I am so scared she will not want to cuddle with me soon. Then Brad takes her and puts her in bed and we finally get to spend some time together. It's funny how we then usually watch some Tv together or talk about the day which usually consists of talking about Harper. I really enjoy this time because we don't get to see each other much with me working the weekends now. I will say not everyday is like this. We really are busy these days doing Little gym, playdates, and everyday shopping. We also go to POC with Brad on occassion. So I know this is probably boring to everyone else but really I am so blessed to be able to spend this time with Harper. She truely is my little BFF ! I just want to remember these days because the days go by so fast. And I thought I would post a few random pictures of Harper !

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Totally not boring. That night time rocking/snuggling is my favorite part of the day, too. What a good mommy you are! And, yes, we all need time for ourselves to be good mommies :)
