Monday, February 25, 2013

Just alot to say

This week I wanted to post some random things to remember. First off let me just say a little someone is getting really close to crawling . I feel like it would have already happened if her darn ears wouldn't have been so bad and if mommy wasn't adjusted to having hard wood floors. I never had that challenge with Harper. Now I hate that her little knees have the rough surface. But anyways she is pushing up and trying so hard. She already goes in circles and pushes backwards so any day now I will be officially chasing two kids.

Also I wanted to share that it warms my heart to see the girls interacting more together. I think Harper still struggles with jealousy but she loves her more and more as she starts to play with her . She loves making her smile and loves to read to her. ( or say she is) Haha... As I always say , I pray these girls always love each other and support one another for the rest of their lives. So here is a little sister love.

They are so precious.. Love my little sisters. Next I wanted to share the sweetest picture of Harper and Riley. She loves him and this week I caught her snuggling him in bed and also one night he went missing and we searched the whole house. Finally as one last place we slipped into Harper's room while she was sleeping and there he was snuggled up in her tent sleeping beside her. True puppy love.

This morning it was rainy and cold and so we decided to take it easy and I happened to snap this picture of Lillian , Mimi and Emma. Lazy Bums!!! Haha! 

And Last I wanted to put in the blog a few hysterical things that Harper has done in the last few weeks. I never want to forget these things. 

#1: In the new car the baby seat is in the middle next to Harper's seat behind the passengers seat. I have never been worried in the past that she can reach the baby but the other day after school we headed to the yogurt shop. Harper went in and made her famous candy filled chocolate dessert and before we left Lillian had a major blow out so I put Harper back in the car with her ice cream while I changed the baby. After changing Lillian's clothes and putting her back I loaded her up and we headed home . I had totally forgot that Harper was eating ice cream but the whole 2 minute drive home they were giggling away in the back seat and as we unloaded from the car I quickly realized WHY?!?!
Harper had totally fed the baby her Chocolate ice cream. It was secretly so funny! Although a few months to early and a little disappointing that I missed her first try of ice cream it made me laugh. Lillian was covered in it and so were her new clothes and seat. Note to self: no more food while driving. Thank God she didn't feed her anything dangerous.

Seemed to Love it...

#2: Rubberband Nose....
 I have noticed lately that Harper is obsessed with her nose. It is like at 2.5 they decide to start picking their nose and it doesn't stop. It is so gross. Anyways , she came running in to Brad the other night freaking out and come to find out she had taken her hair down and had stuck the rubber band up her right nostril. Just as I was about to go in with a pair of tweezers I covered the left nostril with my finger and she shot out the rubber band from the right. It was so gross yet hysterical. I told her to never EVER stick anything up her nose or in her ears that her DR. would be so mad. HAHA.... And she told me she promised. The way she freaked out I am hoping this never happens again. But again Note to self: Have this conversation with Lillian as the nose picking starts to possibly avoid this again.

Anyways , she just really cracks me up and I will post again soon some of her little stories. But I do have to say we are now in our sassy 2's so most things are not that funny right now. We hear alot of 
1. NO
Man the Two's are challenging. But we are working through it and learning how to deal with it. And she is worth every sassy comment... 

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