Sunday, May 15, 2011

Family Fun

Today was such a great day!! I can't remember the last time we were able to spend family time together doing something for fun. I was able to trade a day with someone at work, so we decided to make use of the day with nothing but family fun. So this morning we woke up early as usual and got ready for church. We went to the early service and Harper took a little nap so she did awesome. We do not get to go to church much anymore so I love having Sundays off. After church we headed out to Dallas to go to the zoo. Harper and I have been before but Brad has not been since he was young. It was a beautiful day. Sunny and 72! Doesn't get much better than that for a day at the zoo. We ended up only going to the children's zoo and the African exhibit because Harper was just so sleepy. We rode the monorail for the first time and I was worried Harper would get bored on it for 20 minutes but she loved it. I just love the zoo. I told Brad that if I had a dream job it would be a Vet in a Zoo. Best part of the day was when Harper fed the giraffe. I thought she would love it because she loves feeding the dogs but the LONG tounge freaked her out. On our way out we stopped in the gift shop and bought harper a purse with a giraffe in it to remember our fun day. We loaded her in the car and poor baby was asleep before we left the parking spot. So I guess she had fun :). After getting home we called CiCi and she came over and played with Harper so Brad and I could go to the movie together. We saw Water for Elephants and it was so good. We haven't been out alone in months, and we enjoyed the alone time. I feel so blessed to be off so many days with Harper, but days like this, I sure miss my weekends with Brad. This makes you really appreciate the time we all have together. Here are a few pictures from the ZOO day.

Daddy and Harper checking out the big cat.

Harper feeding the giraffes.

Before we even left our parking spot, this was Harper.

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