Saturday, January 8, 2011

7 months Old

Just as every month, I am still so shocked at how fast this year is flying by. We just celebrated our first New Years Eve with our baby girl and we are so excited to see what 2011 has to bring our way. 2010 was the best year of our lives so I'm really excited to see what 2011 brings to us. Harper is growing like a weed these days. She is now in her 6 month clothes and has the cutest chubby thighs. Her hair is getting a little longer, we laugh because we have to push it behind her ears yet it is not that much hair. Her eyes are looking a little green but still more blue. I think she is going to have her daddy's eyes but we will see. She is eating foods everyday but still isn't a fan of solids. We have to trick her to get her to take them, we are so sneaky some days. Her favorite so far is Bananas. Brad and I have been making some baby food and I have to say she hated our Green Beans the most! :) This girl liked Prunes better than green beans! But we will keep trying and hopefully she will start to love her food better.

New this past month...

1. She blows bubbles with her lips pressed together. It is so funny and after she eats, it leaves an awesome milk mustache.

2. She is crawling up a storm; Into everything, including drawers and anything she isn't supposed to be in. I actually caught her today about to put her finger in the one socket I didnt have a protecter in.

3. Pulling herself up and standing. This still amazes me. She even get's brave and holds on with one arm. She is going to be a little monkey. We had to lower the bed again already to the lowest it would go. We would watch her on the monitor at night with her arms and head hanging over. TERRIFIED ME. I tell Brad all the time, we are going to have to tent her in soon.

4. She is waving. I love this, and other people do too. The only thing is if I put you on the spot you freeze. HAHA. It is so sweet when I come in to get you after a nap and you wave at me. I LOVE IT.

5. Swinging! I have taken you to the park on any day that's warm enough to be out lately. The smile on your face is worth all the trouble to pack you up for 20 minutes at the park.:) You are so happy to swing and smile and laugh the whole time. The only thing is that swinging is about all you can do at the park these days . But very soon we will be able to do more.

6. Bathtime Chase! We started using the ducky a few weeks ago and now that she is mobile its almost IMPOSSIBLE to keep her in the duck. So we are currently trying to figure out a better option for bath time.

7. Teething- I actually looked today as you screamed at me in your carseat and I saw a bulge. :) So any day now we should have our first tooth. I am really excited to see what you look like with a tooth but at the same time I am going to miss that gummy smile. It's so bittersweet....

8. Exploring: You are exploring everything around you. I think most of the time you see us doing something and you want it too. You are so curious and are obsessed with cell phones and remotes. Probably because you see us with them ALOT.

I think I could go on forever really. You do something new almost everyday. You still hate your carseat and nights are getting so much better. I still hate to hear you cry a little when we put you down but most nights you sleep until 6:30 am. The teething has messed up your sleeping schedule but for the most part you are becoming a better sleeper. Now as far as naps !!!! I pretty much have to lay there with you to get you to sleep . You are too worried you will miss out on something. We love you so much Harper and I feel so blessed everyday. Here are a few pictures of you at month 7!!! We Love You Harper!!!

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