Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sic"em Bears

Football season has started as everyone knows. Brad and I are couldn't resist dressing Harper up to support our teams.. So this week we had a little BAYLOR BEAR. She looked so cute in her little Baylor outfit. On Saturday we headed out to go visit the Norton's and meet little miss Aubrey. We had a great time visiting and loving on the new baby . But the best moment was we dressed Aubrey up in her Baylor outfit and took pictures of the girls together. It was adorable , and Harper looked so HUGE sitting next to Aubrey. Can't believe only 2 months ago she was that little. So GO BEARS!!! Hoping for a great season...

1 comment:

  1. Hey lady! We need to have a play date!! Are you back at work yet!??! I owe my scheduling skills to the NICU nurses :) The babies are so awesome...and I want to meet Harper too!
    My personal email is amandaself@marykay.com. Email me when you can.
