Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Baby Favorites..

Terrific Tuesday!

It's 30 weeks and counting, and things are going great! I'm feeling good and getting around better on the foot. Brad found me a new brace that seems to help with swelling,which is nice. It seems to only be horrible when I'm working long hours, so hopefully the new brace will help when I return back to work tomorrow. I'm loving day shift so far, It's amazing how tired I am when I get home. I'm sure I havent fully converted to the schedule yet but sleeping in now seems to be 8:00-9 at the latest . This will really be nice having a new baby. I'm so much more productive on this schedule than I could have ever imagined, which leaves lots of shopping time. So topic today is Baby Favorites! I have spent so much time searching on the web finding fun stuff for Harper and I thought I would share some fun things I have found on the blog today. So here we go...

First, I recently purchased the stroller system and since we went with a neutral color and want to hopefully use it again, I purchased Harper an Infant Car Seat Cover. I am hopeful we can keep the car seat in better condition, since I plan on pulling it off and washing it regularly. I love the pattern and the website!

The website is ritzybaby.com and it ships instantly for impatient people like me.

Second, I was looking for a cute diaper cover of some sort for 3 month pictures. And I recently became a fan of BabyBellaMaya on facebook to help support Layla Grace foundation, and found the cutest tights with Frill! So here is a picture of Harper's new tights!

This is one of my favorite purchases so far. I love them, and because I am currently a Fan , I received free shipping on today's order. LOVE A GOOD DEAL.. And while on the website I also picked Harper up the cutest little slip on Kimono style shoes.

Third, in support of Layla Grace as well, I happen to stumble across a lady on Etsy.com that was donating proceeds 50% if you ordered from her directly. She makes the most beautiful little headbands and hats. So I have ordered a few headbands for Harper on here. They are all so cute and I cant wait to take some pictures in them. If you go to Etsy.com her name is Bellas Boutique.
Here is a picture of one little headband we bought.

Fourth,I have been on the hunt for a simple diaper bag. I did not want anything to busy as I was afraid I would get tired of it quickly. I wanted something not to big or to small and of coarse Pink in color. So I ended up buying a diaper bag from Kalencom and its Eco friendly which I love.

Its so simple , and I ended up getting a discount as well, YEAH..

And last, Brad and I have been searching long hours on the Internet to find a wall monogram for Harper's room. I wanted something very girlie to go above her bed with her whole name on it. So we finally ordered the perfect one, again off Etsy.com , which is now one of my favorite websites and here is the picture to give you an idea or what it will look like. Of course it will have Harper Lynne Warren instead, and we opted for no birthday so we could hang it before arrival..

So, I hope that everyone loves Harper's new stuff. I'm always a fan of sharing neat websites or baby buys . So please share if you find a website or store. We have the
3D sono Monday , so I plan on posting pictures as soon as possible. Have a great week and Easter of course.

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